Monday, February 28, 2011

Light as a Bubble

Amazing things happen in the way we interact depending of the kind of light of our environment.

Santa Fe, New Mexico
When we are in a restaurant and there are small candles in each table we have a tendency to be closer, probably drink a little bit more wine, and feel more relaxed. The soft light somehow gives us a sense of anonymous in respect to the rest of the place, like we are in our little bubble. Think about a full illuminated restaurant, can be natural light or fluorescent lighting, the interaction with your friends, the waiter, etc will be affected and altered. We are more aware of the entire place, our "bubble" is expanded.

Kind of the same happen when we go camping, when there is only one torch and we go for a walk, we will naturally be closer to the person who is carrying it, however during the day this closeness will be feel as threatened, we invade the ‘bubble” of the other person. At nigh, when seat around the fire, we feel protected, intimate, and our dreams start to wake up, we feel transported. Then the next day, when we see the ashes, and the marks on the floor, we remember how we feel, and somehow the same place during the day looks so different than the one we experience at night.

Santa Fe, New Mexico
When we come home at night, or walk the cities at night, the people look different, the cars, and the buildings.  We do not react the same way if some estranger approaches us during the day or at night. It is interesting when we first visit a place at night, and then we visit the same place during the day, we remember how we feel during the night, and we ask ourselves how can that experience happen in that place. Like a nightclub when we visit one during the day, probably it feels dirty, and with many things that make no sense. And during the night, when the music is playing, the lights reinforce the atmosphere of magic  and we feel different.

Just the simple act as to arrive late to a movie, and we have to find our seat in the darkness feels completely different than when we do it in full light. Or the more profound act of making love, how the type of light, the color, the location will help to improve or fenestrate our performance.

There is so much magic in light and how affected our daily life, how can we improve the way we interact, we communicate, the level of intimacy we want to have, just to be more conscious about it.  In my opinion in our personal space we do not need a lighting consultant, we need to be more aware and be clear about the kind of atmosphere we want to live. At the end we are all designers of our lifes.

By Josefina